lundi 25 avril 2011

Battleship final

Spain is the we send you the pictures of this battle



BattleShip Game Rules !

Object of Battleship:
To become the winner of Battleship you must be able to find
(sink) all five ships in your opponent’s fleet before they sink yours.

Contents of Battleship:

Two Battleship target/ocean grid containers, two
carriers, two battleships, two cruisers, two submarines, and two destroyers.

Game Preparation:

The easiest way to set up the game of Battleship is to sit facing your
opponent with each target/ocean field facing away from each other.

You should not be able to see your opponent’s hidden fleet.

The Battleship rules state that each player should hide all five ships secretly somewhere on their ocean. All holes on the ships must align over the holes of the ocean board.

It is against the rules to place any ship diagonally on your ocean.

Once all ships have been placed and each player announces that they are ready, the game of Battleship begins.

Changing the position of your ships during the game is also against the rules.

Game Play:

The basic Battleship rules and instructions for playing the game are each player calls out one shot 
each turn in attempt to hit one of their opponent’s ships.

To “hit” one of your opponent’s ships, you must call out a letter and a number of where you think one of their ships is located.

Once a shot is called, the opponent must immediately call out “hit” or “miss.”

If one of your ships gets hit, place a point over the location on your ships that was called out. If calling a shot (or trying to hit your opponent’s ships), mark a point (if a hit was made) or a cross on your target grid.

This will help you keep track of your hits and misses in your hunt to find their ships.
Once all holes on a ship have been filled with points, your ship has

You then announce which ship has sunk.

The Battleship rules on successfully sinking a ship are as follows: Carrier – 5 hits, Battleship – 4 hits, Cruiser – 3 hits, Submarine – 3 hits, Destroyer – 2 hits.

It is considered cheating and against the Battleship rules to be dishonest on the location of your ships.

Un tir : A shot
Touché : Hit
Coulé: Sink
Dans l'eau : Miss
Chacun son tour : Each in turn
Les  bateaux: Ships
Porte avions = (Navy) Carriers or Aircraft Carriers
Cuirassés = Battleship
Croiseurs = Cruisers
Sous marins = Submarines
Destroyers =  Destroyers
Tricher = Cheating

BattleShip grid

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